Move forward after a breakup with our FREE LIVE TRAINING – your fresh start awaits!


How to move on from your ex and get YOU back.

 Thursday, February 29th @8pm EST

Free Live Training

How to move on from your ex and get YOU back.

 Thursday, February 29th @8pm EST

This class is for you if you’re ready to learn how to  
heal after a breakup

  • Are you waking up each day wondering why your relationship didn’t work out?
  • Do you find that no matter how many therapy sessions you’ve gone to, you’re still in the exact same spot?
  • Do you feel like you’ve lost your sense of self, and don’t even know who you are these days? 
  • Are you wondering “How did I get here or how am I in this place AGAIN?”

If you've answered yes to any of these then this live class is going to be a game changer for you when it comes to your healing journey.

It's time to start living the life you want to live after moving on
 from your past relationship.

This workshop shows you how to:

The #1 thing that keeps you from moving on
The myth about closure and how to actually get it.
The mistakes that women make that keep them from moving forward
The steps you must take if you want to finally move on from your ex once and for all
The #1 thing that keeps you from moving on
The myth about closure and how to actually get it
The mistakes that women make that keep them from moving forward
The steps you must take if you want to finally move on from your ex once and for all

Join me live and I’ll be answering all of your breakup questions

Social Proof: Testimonials

“I had just broken up with this toxic person for the umpteenth time because I thought I deserved better and I wanted to be strong for myself...but I wasn't self-assured,I needed to believe I was strong enough to do this for me. Tal created the safe space that I needed. The amount of growth I feel is almost overwhelming at times to the point that I could cry thinking about it. I was so lost for so long, and today I feel grounded - I know who I am, what I love, what I need and what I deserve - not just in relationships, but in life.” 

-Ashley BTBF alum

“Tal helped with getting me through the hardest break up I have ever had. I had made major dating mistakes in my past and needed a solid coach to call me out on my bs. Tal helped me recognize my worth and my core values, what I want in a man, in a relationship. Something that I have never done before. Tal is 100% authentic, straight shooter, and you genuinely care about your clients. Having her as a coach is like talking to a wise sister.”

-Sonya BTBF alum

“I was ready to stop going down the rabbit hole of feeling like a failure because my husband no longer desired to work on our marriage of 12 years. I was devastated, struggling to understand and accept how he could just throw in the towel with our family, including our two kids. Tal is supportive, understanding and just knew exactly how to relate and connect with me. She is non-judgmental and has an incredible skillset to help you heal, manage your emotions, and love yourself.”

-Beth BTBF alum

About Me:

Hi love, I'm Tal!

AKA the Breakup Recovery Coach
and founder of The Breakup to Badass Formula.

I've walked through the fire of my own heartbreak, and I get it. Those days when your heart's in pieces, and you're wondering how you'll even make it to work or run your business amidst the overwhelming pain. 

That’s why I’m fiercely dedicated to guiding women to move on from their ex, learn to love the eff out of themselves, and say buh-bye to toxic relationships.

Those who attend live will also receive my "What to do when you can't stop thinking about your ex” guide!

This Guide will help you when you feel like no matter what you do, you can’t 
seem to get your ex out of your head. 

Copyright © Tal Yardeni, LLC 2024. All Rights Reserved.